
Thursday, November 22, 2012

The last 24 hours in the Middle East, for Dummies

well.. trying to find a smart way to use my blog i thought that i can, for example, give a brief description of the last 24 hours using a very simple language.

The ceasefire: 
First of all it is good to stress one thing: the war was called    
It was called by Hamas that wanted to exploit a very favourable moment to gain as much as they could. So they started to fire rockets against Israel.
In Israel it is time of electoral campaign. And the prime minister is a guy called Netanyahu, who has two ministers called Lieberman and Barak. This nice trio is very famous for being very inaeguate to amministrate even a boyscouts camp, but, also, for being very good in talking about war. Barak is actually also very good in doing war.
They were called to do a war, a very useful tool to distract their people from a campaign that was risking to be dominated by their foolish management of the national economy.
So they attacked and gave to their public opinion something very different to talk about.
The war lasted few days with no ground attack. Nevertheless it cause more than 100 victims in the Gaza strip. Now a cease fire is on and no rocket is landing into Israel anymore. They got their result and they are probably going to win the elections.
In the meantime Hamas obtained to appear, once again, the only notable representant of the Palestinins in fron of the world. They are very close to a full recognition, while the old man in Ramallah, Abu Mazen, once again was not more than a spectator of what was happening, loosing credibility on daily basis.

The cease fire was brokered by Egypt and the US. The US gained the perception in front of the world of a renewed effectiveness, something that during the Arab Spring,  and especially the Syrian crisis, they completely lost.
In the meanwhile Egypt is surging as the new regional determinant factor. They took Hamas from Damascus and Teheran - with also the contribution of the rich guy in Doha and the Turks - and suddenly regained power on the international scene, President Mursi can show up in front of his people claiming a renewed "Karama" - dignity - of his country.

The Egyptian costitutional declaration 
Now we come to what happened in egypt just some hours later..
Strong of his triumph, Mursi took the chance to make something very disturbing. On the annuversary of the clashes that in Cairo costed some tens of victims one year ago, he released a costitutional declaration stating some nice things: the start of new investigations on the murders of protesters during the last years.

Unfortunately he also kicked out of his charge the head of the Egyptian judiciary and took his power. One article of the declaration also states:

 Article VI:

The President may take the necessary actions and measures to protect the country and the goals of the revolution.

What does it mean? not hard to figure out.. he can do whatever he wants :) The new King of EGYPT - or maybe Pharaon is more appropriated.. 

Hard times for the Egyptian revolution youth. 
I have some friends that are part of it... I cannot do anything else than wishing them all the luck of this world.. 

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